Figure 1.29. Exhaust Diffuser Section.
Figure 1.30. Divergent Exhaust Duct.
A portion of the kinetic energy of the expanding gases is extracted by the turbine section, and this energy is transformed into shaft horsepower which is used to drive the compressor and accessories. In turboprop and turboshaft engines, additional turbine rotors are designed to extract all of the energy possible from the remaining gases to drive a powershaft.
Figure 1.21. Axial-flow Turbine Rotor. Figure 1.22. Radial Inflow Turbine. The axial-flow turbine consists of two main elements, a set of stationary vanes followed by a turbine rotor. Axial-flow turbines may be of the single-rotor or multiple-rotor type. A stage consists of two main components: a turbine nozzle and a turbine rotor or wheel, as shown in figure 1.21. Turbine blades are of two basic types, the impulse and the reaction. Modern aircraft gas turbines use blades that have both impulse and reaction sections, as shown in figure 1.23. Figure 1.23. Impulse-Reaction Turbine Blade. The stationary part of the turbine assembly consists of a row of contoured vanes set at a predetermined angle to form a series of small nozzles which direct the gases onto the blades of the turbine rotor. For this reason, the stationary vane assembly is usually called the turbine nozzle, and the vanes are called nozzle guide vanes.
Figure 1.24. Single-rotor,Single-stage Turbine. Figure 1.25. Multiple-rotor,Multiple-stage Turbine.
Figure 1.26. Multirotor - Multistage Turbine. |
The annular combustion chamber offers the advantages of a larger combustion volume per unit of exposed area and material weight, a smaller exposed area resulting in lower pressure losses through the unit, and less weight and complete pressure equalization.
Through these openings flows the air that is used in combustion and cooling. This air also prevents carbon deposits from forming on the inside of the liner. This is important, because carbon deposits can block critical air passages and disrupt airflow along the liner walls causing high metal temperatures and short burner life.
Ignition is accomplished during the starting cycle. The igniter plug is located in the combustion liner adjacent to the start fuel nozzle. The Army can-type engine employs a single can-type combustor.
As the impeller (rotor) revolves at high speed, air is drawn into the blades near the center. Centrifugal force accelerates this air and causes it to move outward from the axis of rotation toward the rim of the rotor where it is forced through the diffuser section at high velocity and high kinetic energy. The pressure rise is produced by reducing the velocity of the air in the diffuser, thereby converting velocity energy to pressure energy. The centrifugal compressor is capable of a relatively high compression ratio per stage. This compressor is not used on larger engines because of size and weight.
Because of the high tip speed problem in this design, the centrifugal compressor finds its greatest use on the smaller engines where simplicity, flexibility of operation, and ruggedness are the principal requirements rather than small frontal area and ability to handle high airflows and pressures with low loss of efficiency.
Axial flow compressors have the advantage of being capable of very high compression ratios with relatively high efficiencies; see figure 1.14. Because of the small frontal area created by this type of compressor, it is ideal for installation on high-speed aircraft. Unfortunately, the delicate blading and close tolerances, especially toward the rear of the compressor where the blades are smaller and more numerous per stage, make this compressor highly susceptible to foreign-object damage. Because of the close fits required for efficient air-pumping and higher compression ratios, this type of compressor is very complex and very expensive to manufacture. For these reasons the axial-flow design finds its greatest application where required efficiency and output override the considerations of cost, simplicity, and flexibility of operation. However, due to modern technology, the cost of the small axial-flow compressor, used in Army aircraft, is coming down.
As the air is drawn into the engine, its direction of flow is changed by the inlet guide vanes. The angle of entry is established to ensure that the air flow onto the rotating compressor blades is within the stall-free (angle of attack) range. Air pressure or velocity is not changed as a result of this action. As the air passes from the trailing edge of the inlet guide vanes, its direction of flow is changed due to the rotational effect of the compressor. This change of airflow direction is similar to the action that takes place when a car is driven during a rain or snow storm. The rain or snow falling in a vertical direction strikes the windshield at an angle due to the horizontal velocity of the car.
In conjunction with the change of airflow direction, the velocity of the air is increased. Passing through the rotating compressor blades, the velocity is decreased, and a gain in pressure is obtained. When leaving the trailing edge of the compressor blades, the velocity of the air mass is again increased by the rotational effect of the compressor. The angle of entry on to the stationary stator vanes results from this rotational effect as it did on the airflow onto the compressor.
Passing through the stationary stator vanes the air velocity is again decreased resulting in an increase in pressure. The combined action of the rotor blades and stator vanes results in an increase in air -pressure; combined they constitute one stage of compression. This action continues through all stages of the axial compressor. To retain this pressure buildup, the airflow is delivered, stage by stage, into a continually narrowing airflow path. After passing from the last set of stator vanes the air mass passes through exit guide vanes. These vanes direct the air onto the centrifugal impeller.
The centrifugal impeller increases the velocity of the air mass as it moves it in a radial direction.
Engine surge is caused by a stall on the airfoil surfaces of the rotating blades or stationary vanes of the compressor. The stall can occur on individual blades or vanes or, simultaneously, on groups of them. To understand how this can induce engine surge, the causes and effects of stall on any airfoil must be examined.
All airfoils are designed to provide lift by producing a lower pressure on the convex (suction) side of the airfoil than on the concave (pressure) side. A characteristic of any airfoil is that lift increases with an increasing angle of attack, but only up to a critical angle. Beyond this critical angle of attack, lift falls off rapidly. This is due largely to the separation of the airflow from the suction surface of the airfoil, as shown in the sketch. This phenomenon is known as stall. All pilots are familiar with this condition and its consequences as it applies to the wing of an aircraft. The stall that takes place on the fixed or rotating blades of a compressor is the same as the stalling phenomenon of an aircraft wing.